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Open Positions


Internships and Dissertation projects


If you are interested in pursuing an internship or a dissertation project in the lab, you must fill this form. Your application will NOT be considered otherwise.



Raman Post-Doctoral Fellow


Applications are invited for the position of Raman Post-docs. Click here for more information.

Project Assistant


The development of an electronic snake venom detection kit for advanced snakebite therapy in India.

Snakebite in India causes the highest annual rates of death (46,000) and disability (140,000) than any other country. Since the majority of bite victims do not see the snake, and commoners and clinicians lack training in identifying snake species, the development of a rapid, efficient and accurate snakebite detection kit becomes indispensable for the timely diagnosis and effective treatment of snakebites. Two fully funded Project Assistant positions are available to work on a project involving the development of a cost-effective and efficient electronic snake venom detection kit. This is a collaborative project between the Neuronics Lab at the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering (Dr. Chetan Singh Thakur: and the Evolutionary Venomics Lab (Dr. Kartik Sunagar) at the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science.


Expected start date: December 15th, 2019


Salary: As per IISc’s norms


Qualification: The candidate should have a master’s degree in biology


Duration: 1 year, with the possibility of extension into the 2nd year


Desired skills: Candidates with prior experience in performing molecular biology/immunology experiments (e.g., ELISA, Western Blotting, and SELEX) are desirable.

 Junior Research Fellow


Designing and preclinical delivery of the Next Generation Antivenom with unsurpassed pan-Indian efficacy to reduce snakebite death and disability

Position filled

A Department for International Development (DFID) funded, Junior Research Fellow position is available at the Evolutionary Venomics Lab (Dr. Kartik Sunagar), Center for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science. The project involves the characterization of venoms from various species of medically important Indian snakes and aims at designing next-generation cost-effective and highly efficacious snakebite therapies for India and sub-Saharan Africa. The project follows a multi-disciplinary approach employing modern omics technologies for devising a novel strategy for anti-snake venom production.


Expected start date: December 15th, 2019


Salary: As per IISc’s norms


Qualification: The candidate should have a master’s degree in Life Sciences, Computational- or Molecular Biology. Preference will be given to students with Bioinformatics background.


Duration: 1 year, with the possibility of extension into the 2nd year


Desired skills: The candidate must have a thorough understanding of next-generation sequencing technologies and must be well-versed in working on a Linux platform. Candidates with necessary academic training and prior experience in analyzing RNA-sequencing data would be highly desired.

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